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Australia's Oldest Internet Diamond Merchant


The Most Ridiculous Item of The Day!

August 13th, 2007

When grading diamonds, proper tools such as proportion analysers to determine cut and master stones or a colorimeter to determine colour should be used.
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Why The Ideal-Scope Sucks

August 6th, 2007

Readers of this blog may think that we are the world’s number 1 Ideal-Scope fans. To counter-act such claims, we’ve made this list of top 10 reasons why the Ideal-Scope sucks.
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Why We Don’t Sell Argyle Diamonds

July 23rd, 2007

A common question that we get asked is “Do you sell Argyle diamonds?”.
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Turning The $50 ASET Into The $1200 Version

July 20th, 2007

The Angular Spectrum Evaluation Tool (ASET) from AGS assesses the cut quality of a diamond in much the same way as the Ideal-Scope, using reflection technology.
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Old Technology vs New Technology

July 19th, 2007

Despite the cost and advancements in technology, gadgets such as proportion analysers and The BrillianceScope still have a margin of error built into them that needs to be verified with old fashioned tools such as micrometers.
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Very Thin Girdles

May 29th, 2007

The GIA will give any round diamond a maximum cut grade of “Very Good” to a diamond with a “Very Thin” girdle.
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A Huge List of Diamond Shapes and Brands

May 22nd, 2007

If you think there’s only a handful of shapes to choose from when buying a diamond, think again.
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The Importance of Spread

May 21st, 2007

Spread is a term used to describe how big a diamond is, and is usually measured by the diameter or length and width of a diamond.
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A Tale of Two GIA Triple Excellents

May 9th, 2007

Recently we got in two GIA “triple excellents”.
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How We Take Ideal-Scope Images

April 17th, 2007

The Ideal-Scope is a handy little tool that can be used and bought by diamond dealers and consumers alike.
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