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Jogia Diamonds' Blog

Current Gold Price and The Cheapest Way to Buy Gold

September 15th, 2009

There’s been quite a bit of hoopla in the American media lately about the price of gold reaching US$1000 per ounce.  However, as this article explains, it has really dropped about 25% in Australian dollar terms from its highs in February.

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Our New Jewellery Workshop

August 29th, 2009

Over the past few months, we’ve been working on building a new jewellery workshop. This past week, we finally finished it, so I guess it’s time for photos.

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Fluorescence – From Foe to Friend?

July 20th, 2009

Over the past 18 months, we have been stocking a good number of diamonds with fluorescence. In days gone by, high colour diamonds with strong fluorescence were marketed as “blue-white” diamonds and commanded a premium. In modern times however, fluorescence has been typically frowned upon by the trade and therefore consumers. However, is this about to change?
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Why Visual Diamond Comparisons are Passé

June 15th, 2009

Even with huge progressions in diamond technology, a lot of jewellers still say that a prospective diamond buyer must view a diamond prior to purchase. Of course, not trading online means that they are completely biased, but is it a really valid assertion?
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Press Release: GAA Awards It’s First Diploma in Gemmology (Diamonds)

June 11th, 2009

Ronnie Bauer, the current Federal Chairman of the GAA has just been awarded the Association’s only Diploma in Gemmology (Diamonds). At the same time he also was awarded the Association’s accredited Diploma in Gemmology and Diploma in Gemmology (valuations). “I feel very honoured to be the first and currently the only recipient of the Diploma in Gemmology (Diamonds).” Said Ronnie, “ But that’s it! At 53 I don’t want to do any more exams.” That statement however was short lived. Ronnie revealed in the next breath that he has enrolled in the GAA’s jewellery sketching and design courses.

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Diamond Certificates – It’s All About Marketing

May 28th, 2009

In the May issue of the trade publication Jeweller, Anthony Bates of SGTL (Auscert) sounds off about local vs international labs. In the article, he states that he got a call from a retailer who perceived Auscert’s certificates to be inferior to those produced overseas. He then goes on to counter the retailer’s claim and explain why local labs such as Auscert are actually superior to those overseas.
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Lowest Diamond Prices in Years???!!!

May 7th, 2009

From early 2007 till mid-2008, the Australian dollar was riding high – at one point it nearly reached parity with the US dollar. At that time, many in the industry, including myself thought that diamond prices in Australian dollars were at their lowest point in years.
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DCLA Certificates Now $20 (For Diamonds with Auscerts)

March 18th, 2009

According to a good source of mine, DCLA is now offering their certificates for stupidly low $20 – provided the diamond has already been certified by Auscert.
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Traditional Retailers vs Internet Traders

February 22nd, 2009

In the February 2009 edition of Jeweller there’s yet another article about seemingly evil “internet diamond traders”, ruining the industry for everyone. Although the article is primarily about why internet traders shouldn’t be allowed to join the JAA, the focus is about the argument against internet traders.
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More GIA Grading Results

January 12th, 2009

Just before Christmas, we sent nine diamonds to the GIA for grading. As per usual, the results are below.
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